Mary Jane C. Ortega
Special Advisor, Y-PORT Center, City of Yokohama & Special Advisor, CITYNET
Professor, Far Eastern Federal University
Vitaly A. Nomokonov is the director of the Vladivostok Centre for the Study of Organised Crime and Corruption which was created in the Far Eastern University in 1997 through a grant of the US Department of Justice and American University. The project was supported by grants until 2014. Currently the Centre is part of the Law School of the Far Eastern Federal University. The Centre plans to create an international laboratory for comparative study of anti-corruption policies in countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Vitaly Nomokonov is a doctor of law and has been working in the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology since 1974. His doctoral dissertation was devoted to the causes of crime, criminal behaviour and its relationship to criminal accountability. Currently, the focus of Vitaly Nomokonov is on problems of the formation and implementation of public policies in the fight against organised crime and corruption.