The Organized Crime Observatory of the Andean Region, through its network of experts, staff, and consultants, investigates and analyzes trends in organized crime in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Venezuela, as well as existing public policy responses to crime in the region. The observatory also implements projects aimed at strengthening the resilience of communities most affected by crime and violence, promoting multi-actor dialogue, and providing technical and financial support to grassroots civil society organizations through the Resilience Fund. Finally, the observatory aims to influence the design of local, national, and regional public policies by participating in multilateral forums and directly engaging with representatives from various sectors of society, elected officials, policymakers, and law enforcement officers by providing analysis and evidence.

Among the topics most explored by the observatory are the relationship between armed conflict and organized crime, crime and violence prevention, the environmental damage caused by criminal groups, and various approaches to drug markets and policies. The observatory closely collaborates with the Central American observatories and the Amazon Observatory, coordinating the GI-TOC network in Latin America.



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