The Observatory of Organized Crime in Europe (EUR-Obs) seeks to research and analyze the growing threat of transnational organized crime in Europe and its connections to criminal markets and criminal networks beyond the continent. It focuses on identifying emerging trends, criminal actors, and routes and hubs of illicit economies that are undermining stability, rule of law, the licit economy and public health within Europe.

It seeks to establish a civil society angle in the response to these challenges, providing evidence and policy advice to relevant national authorities, the EU and civil society across the region. The European Observatory cooperates closely with other observatories of the GI-TOC across source and transit regions of illicit flows directed towards Europe. The work of the observatory embraces not only EU member states, but is also guided by a broader geographical understanding of Europe and its interconnected illicit markets.

The observatory was launched in April 2024 as a response to the dynamic organized crime threat that affects several European states. It is headquartered in Berlin and has a network of researchers and civil society experts across the continent.



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