29 Sep 2023
SEE-Obs, UKR-Obs
Director Security Program at Center for the Study of Democracy
Atanas Rusev has over ten years of experience in security research, policy analysis and consultancy across governmental and non-government sectors. His research focuses on organised crime, criminal markets and, in particular, trafficking in human beings, illicit tobacco trade, extortion, loansharking, drug trafficking and drug markets, organised VAT frauds, corruption and organised crime, money laundering and confiscated criminal assets.
He is the author of various publications on the financing of organised crime, organised crime threat assessment, corruption and organised crime and confiscation of criminal assets. He also participated in a number of evaluations and studies commissioned by DG Home, such as the Study on Serious and Organised Crime Infiltration in the Legal Economy, published in 2021 and the Study on Online Identity Theft and Identity-Related Crime, published in 2022.