12 Jul 2022
#GIDisappearances, Assassination Witness, Extortion in Central America, Latinoamérica y el Caribe, Resilience Fund, CAM-Obs
Communications Officer - Latin America and Resilience Fund, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime
With a background in advertising, he has more than 18 years of experience in communication strategies, audiovisual and print production, creative strategies and institutional communication. As an independent consultant, he has collaborated with GI-TOC in projects such as Coalitions Against Extortion in Central America and Assassination Witness, and Resilience Fund projects.
He has worked on the Spanish translation of several GI-TOC reports such as A Criminal Culture: Extortion in Central America, Assassination Witness, the Covid Crime Watch series and other tactical communications products. He has adapted GI-TOC social campaigns for Latin American audiences. He has also coordinated the production of Spanish-language podcasts for projects with regional impact.