Over the past decade, there has been a growing realization that organized crime is a spoiler to development. The Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime, along with selected development partners, has hosted a sequence of meetings over the last two years focussed on debating and determining how development actors can engage more effectively on responding to organised crime. The Global Initiative’s “Development Dialogue” series seeks to strengthen and align policy and programmatic responses by the development community to the challenge of organized crime.

The Global Initiative and this process aims to serve as an important resource in this regard by providing the strategic space for new and, importantly, multi-disciplinary thinking on how to best tackle them. In particular, the outcomes of this meeting aim to inform on-going debates around a number of global processes taking place: the post-2015 sustainable development agenda, Financing for Development, and the UN’s concurrent reviews of peace operations and the peacebuilding architecture.further exploring the role of development actors in countering organized crime, and to identifying the toolbox of development interventions that could be brought to bear to address the challenge.



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