11 Nov 2022
Online illegal trade in highly endangered parrots in Indonesia
Analyst, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime
Wahyu joined the Global Initiative as an Ad-hoc Research Assistant in 2019, supporting the development of the Global Organized Crime Index for the case of Indonesia. In 2021, he continued by becoming part of the GI-TOC’s Market Monitoring and Friction Unit (MMFU). Currently, his work is primarily researching the online wildlife trade. Prior to joining the Global Initiative, he worked for TRAFFIC International (SEA office), investigating wildlife crime across Indonesia. He also spent a half year with World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia, conducting research on illegal logging.
Wahyu holds a BSc from Universitas Gadjah Mada and is now completing MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management at the University of Oxford. He is particularly interested in wildlife crime and conservation criminology.