Cristobal Fundora Sittòn
Panama's National Assembly
Adjunct Professor, George Mason University
Dr. Suleyman Ozeren is an adjunct faculty and a research scholar at George Mason University. He is a faculty member at Barton College, Wilson, NC. He formerly served as the President of the Global Policy and Strategy Institute and the Director of the International Center for Terrorism and Transnational Crime (UTSAM) in Turkey. His research interests include Turkey-US relations, Turkey-EU relations, Turkey-NATO relations, politics in Turkey, conflict resolution, the Kurdish issue, the Middle East, terrorism & counterterrorism, countering violent extremism (CVE), and forced migration.
He was extensively involved in the Kurdish (Opening) Resolution process in 2009 and 2013, and was one of the organizers of the first kick-off meeting of the Kurdish resolution process in 2009. He also conducted research in Europe, focusing on diaspora radicalization. Part of his research included interviewing convicted terrorists and disintegrated and de-radicalized individuals. His most recent research project, titled “Countering Violent Extremism by Unraveling the Propaganda and Recruitment Techniques of ISIS in Turkey,” was funded by the U.S. State Department.
He was co-director for the NATO Science for Peace and Security Advanced Research (ARW) Workshop. He co-authored the NATO ARW, titled “Post-ISIS Era” Regional and Global Implications” which was held on September 6-8, 2019 in Washington D.C. He has numerous publications including. Some of the examples of his publications include “From Territorial Defeat to Global ISIS: Lessons Learned” (2021); “Terrorism Paradox and Turkey,” “Understanding Terrorism: Analysis of Sociological and Psychological Aspects”, “ISIS in Cyberspace: Findings from Social Media Research”, “Multi-Faceted Approach to Radicalization in Terrorist Organizations (Published by NATO Affiliated IOS Press)”, and “Cyberterrorism and Cybercrime: Vulnerabilities and International Cooperation”, and “Countering Terrorism: From Far East to New Continent”. He published op-eds at Ahvalnews.com and Rise to Peace.
Authored Books
Book Chapters
Journal Articles