Griselda Triana
Lecturer, Western Sydney University
Sharon Ingrid Kwok is a Lecturer (Criminology) in the School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney Universituy, specializing in the study of triad society and Chinese organised crime. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts (Social Policy and Criminology) from University of Hull in 2001, Master of Science (Criminal Justice Policy) from the London School of Economics in 2004, and PhD (Criminology) from City University of Hong Kong in 2017.
Being the only female researcher conducting ethnographic research on triad society, she has published a number of refereed papers and book chapters in the Qualitative Research, British Journal of Criminology, Trends in Organized Crime, Oxford Bibliographies, and Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Tam, H.C., Kwok, S. I., Lo, T. W., Lam, H.P.S, & Lee, K.W.G (2018). Hidden drug abuse in Hong Kong: from social acquaintance to social isolation. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9.
Lo, T. W., & Kwok, S. I. (2017). Triad organized crime in Macau casinos: Extra-legal governance and entrepreneurship. British Journal of Criminology, 57(3), 589-607.
Cheng, C., Kwok, S. I., & Lo T. W. (2013). “Risk factors and the mediating effects of triad
societies on deviant behaviors of young people.” Juvenile Delinquency, 187,
22-31. (In Chinese)
Lo, T.W., Chappell, D., Kwok, S.I., & Wu, J. (2012). Workplace violence in Hong Kong, China: Nature, impact, and preparedness. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 56(6) 955–975.
Kwok, S.I., & Lo, T.W. (2012). Anti-triad legislations in Hong Kong: Issues, problems and development. Trends in Organized Crime, 16(1), 74-94.
Lo, T.W., Cheng, C., Wong, D., Rochelle T., & Kwok S.I. (2011). Self-esteem, self-efficacy and deviant behaviour of young people in Hong Kong. Advances in Applied Sociology, 1, 48-55.
Choo, K. S., Choi, K. S., Sung, Y. U., & Kwok S.I. (2011). “The impact of the “Act on the Punishment of Intermediating in the Sex Trade” and police crackdown on sex industry in South Korea.” Crime and Criminal Justice International, 17, 59-88. (In Chinese)
Lo, T.W. Li, L., & Kwok, S.I. (2019) Control of Grand Corruption and Triads Crime in China to be published in Organized Crime and Corruption Across Borders: Exploring the Belt and Road Initiative.
Kwok, S.I., & Lo, T.W. (2014). Crime and its control in Hong Kong. In L. Cao, I. Sun & B. Hebenton (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Criminology (pp.284-294). New York: Routledge.
Lo, T.W. & Kwok, S.I. (2014). Triads and tongs. In G. Bruinsma & D. Weisburd (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (pp.5337-5343).New York: Springer.
Lo, T.W. & Kwok, S.I. (2013). Chinese triad society. In Richard Wright (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press. [online book]
Kwok, S.I., Lo, T.W., & Lee, P. (2013). Policing and mentally ill persons in Hong Kong. In D. Chappell (Ed.), Policing and the Mentally Ill: International Perspectives (pp.309-325). New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
Lo, T.W., & Kwok, S.I. (2012). Traditional organized crime in the modern world: How triad societies respond to socioeconomic change. In D. Siegel & H. van de Bunt (Eds.), Traditional Organized Crime in the Modern World: Responses to Socioeconomic Change (pp.67-89). New York: Springer.
Kwok, S.I., Li, K.W., Lo, T.W., & Cheng, C. (2011). “Triad influences on the delinquent behavior of young people in Macau.” In C.M. Cheng (Ed.), Youth Behaviour and Risk Factors: A Collection of Essays (pp.40-53). Macau: Macau Juvenile Delinquency Research Society. (in Chinese)