Sergio Nazzaro
Journalist, Writer
Inspector, Portuguese Criminal Police
Paulo Barbosa Marques is a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist, a researcher, and a law enforcement officer in Portugal. He is a former second Lieutenant at the Portuguese Army Special Operations Force. Paulo began his law enforcement career serving as a frontline police officer in the Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP) and later as a criminal investigator at the Criminal Investigation Department – Organized Crime Brigade. He is a former Inspector at the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF), the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service. Currently, Paulo is an Inspector at Polícia Judiciária, the Portuguese Criminal Police.
Paulo Barbosa Marques is a Legal and Forensic Psychology PhD student at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He holds a master’s degree in law and security from the Faculty of Law – NOVA University of Lisbon, a postgraduate diploma in Internal Security, and specialized training in forensic psychological assessment, criminal investigation, counterterrorism, crisis intervention and hostage negotiation.
Paulo is an associated researcher affiliated to the BSAFE LAB – Law Enforcement, Justice and Public Safety Research and Technology Transfer Laboratory (Universidade da Beira Interior). He is a founding member and a former Secretary-General of the Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Psychology of Justice (SPPPJ) and an International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG) Regional Champion for Portugal. Paulo regularly presents at conferences to both academics and practitioners and acts as an international consultant in capacity-building initiatives in the fields of law enforcement and immigration and asylum.
Passionate about communication in policing, especially police interviewing, Paulo Barbosa Marques is a member of the Management Committee of the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) action “CA22128 – Establishing Networks to Implement the Principles on Effective Interviewing for Investigations (IMPLEMENDEZ)” and many other projects in the field of investigative interviewing.