Jonathan Tottman
Independent Consultant
Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam
Jill Coster van Voorhout is a lawyer and social scientist with a PhD in law. She conducts research and teaches on how to use empirical research methods to solve legal problems and, vice versa, how to use legal research methods to solve societal problems like international and transnational crimes.
She is also the Academic Director of UvA’s master’s programme in International Criminal Law (LLM). This LLM has two tracks. Track 1 is the International Criminal Law – Joint Programme, with a first semester at UvA and a second semester at a partner organization, Columbia Law School, New York, United States of America. Track 2 is the International and Transnational Criminal Law Track, which is a full academic year at UvA.
Jill is also a Research fellow at the Amsterdam Center on International Law (ACIL), at the Amsterdam Center for Criminal Justice (ACCJ), and at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS).
How can we detect undetected victims of human trafficking? (University of Amsterdam)
Refereed publications
Chapters/contributions to books and edited volume
Journal articles
Scientific publications
Book editing including written chapter
Working paper
Professional publications
Reviewed articled in special editions/professional journals
Media and popular communication about scholarly work (selection)