The Global Initiative Network

GIN Member

Jonquille (Jill) Coster van Voorhout

Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam

Jill Coster van Voorhout is a lawyer and social scientist with a PhD in law. She conducts research and teaches on how to use empirical research methods to solve legal problems and, vice versa, how to use legal research methods to solve societal problems like international and transnational crimes.

She is also the Academic Director of UvA’s master’s programme in International Criminal Law (LLM). This LLM has two tracks. Track 1 is the International Criminal Law – Joint Programme, with a first semester at UvA and a second semester at a partner organization, Columbia Law School, New York, United States of America. Track 2 is the International and Transnational Criminal Law Track, which is a full academic year at UvA.

Jill is also a Research fellow at the Amsterdam Center on International Law (ACIL), at the Amsterdam Center for Criminal Justice (ACCJ), and at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS).


Refereed publications


  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2016) “Ineffective legal assistance. Redress for the accused in Dutch criminal procedure and Compliance with ECHR case law”, Brill I Nijhoff Publishers, ISBN: 978-90-0431-936-3, pp. 356 (Diss. Utrecht) (English)
  • Mr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2007 – book contract for second edition (forthcoming)) “Human Trafficking for Labour exploitation” ISBN: 978-90-5213-167-2, (English), pp. 134. Kennispunt REBO (English)

Chapters/contributions to books and edited volume

  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2020) ‘Article 6 (3) (c) ECHR’, in: J.H. Gerards, Y. Haeck, and P. de Hert (eds.) ‘Sdu Commentaar EVRM’, Sdu Uitgevers, ISBN: 978-90-12-58133-2, (Dutch)
  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2019) ‘Article 6 (3) (c) ECHR’, in: J.H. Gerards, Y. Haeck, and P. de Hert (eds.) ‘Sdu Commentaar EVRM’, Sdu Uitgevers, online, (Dutch)
  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout and Prof. mr. Carsten Stahn (2015) ‘International Law’, in: Dr. Madeleine Albright and Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, ‘Confronting the Crisis of Global Governance’, The Hague Institute Publishing/Oxford University Press, (English)
  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2015) ‘Article 6 (3) (c) ECHR’, in: J.H. Gerards, Y. Haeck, and P. de Hert (eds.) ‘Sdu Commentaar EVRM’, Sdu Uitgevers, ISBN: 978-90-12-58133-2, (Dutch)
  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2014) ‘Article 6 (3) (c) ECHR’, in: J.H. Gerards, Y. Haeck, P. de Hert (eds.) ‘Sdu Commentaar EVRM’, Sdu Uitgevers online, (Dutch)
  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout and Prof. mr. John Vervaele (2011) ‘La Víctima menor de edad, Holanda y la Unión Europea’, in: T. Armenta Deu y S. Oromí Vall-Llovera (eds), ‘La Víctima menor de edad, un estudio comparado Europa-América, El Estatuto de la víctima and el proceso penal’, pp. 385-410, (Spanish)
  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2011) ‘Shifting responsibilities: Has the criminal defence lawyer gained duties and responsibilities in the Dutch criminal procedure?’, in: Mr. dr. drs. J.E.B. Coster van Voorhout, Prof. John Vervaele, Dr. Marianne Hirsch Ballin, Dr. Chana Grijsen, and Dr. Reno Pijnen, ‘Shifting Responsibilities in Criminal Justice. Critical Portrayals of the Changing Role and Content of a Fragmented Globalizing Law Domain’, Eleven international publishing, pp. 240, ISBN: 949-09-4768-7 (English)

Journal articles

  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2020) “Proactive financial investigations into human trafficking, How to ensure a more holistic combat of this crime based on (financial) data”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, (English)
  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2018) ‘Effectievere bestrijding van mensenhandel: Hoe realiseren we proactief financieel onderzoek naar dit misdrijf?’, Delikt and Delinkwent, Vol. 48, Iss. 9, p. 772-789, 62, (Nederlands)
  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2016) “A Comprehensive Approach to Human Trafficking: An Analysis of the ECHR case L.E. v. Greece”, International Labour Rights Case Law Journal, (English)
  • Mr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2015) “Prohibition of Forced and Child Labour”, International Labour Rights Case Law Journal, (English)
  • Mr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout, and Prof. dr. Stijn Franken (2008) ‘Communicatie tussen advocaat and cliënt; perspectieven uit Straatsburg and problemen in Nederland’, NJCM-Bulletin, Vol. 33, (Nederlands)
  • Mr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2008) ‘La figura del procedimiento de descubrimiento de prueba: Tres Problemas esenciales que supone and el actual sistema penal acusatorio colombiano’ Derecho Penal contemporàneo, 21, Bogotá, ISSN 1692-1682, (Spaans)
  • Mr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2007) “Human Trafficking for Labour exploitation”, Utrecht Law Review, Vol. 3, Iss. 2, (English)
  • Mr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2006) “Intelligence as Legal Evidence: comparative criminal research into shielded intelligence witnesses”, Utrecht Law Review, Vol. 2, Iss. 2 (online, open access) (English)

Scientific publications

Book editing including written chapter

  • Mr. drs. Jill Coster vanZ Voorhout, Prof. John Vervaele, Dr. Marianne Hirsch Ballin, Dr. Chana Grijsen, Dr. Reno Pijnen (2011) “Shifting Responsibilities in Criminal Justice. Critical Portrayals of the Changing Role and Content of a Fragmented Globalizing Law Domain” Eleven international publishing, pp. 240, ISBN: 949-09-4768-7 (English)
  • Mr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout, Drs. Mark Bailey, Drs. Sash Jayawardane and Drs. Amy Tan (2013) “The Hague Approach. Six Principles for Building Sustainable Peace in Post-Conflict Settings (for the Centenary of the Peace Palace)”, The Hague Institute for Global Justice, (English)

Working paper

Professional publications


  • Prof. Denis Abels, Dr. Annemieke Benschop, Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout, Prof. Tom Blom, Prof. Dirk Korf, Dr. Nienke Liebregts and Dr. Koen Vriend (2018) “Evaluatie Wet OM-afdoening, Bonger-reeks”, UvA, (Nederlands),

Reviewed articled in special editions/professional journals

  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout and Prof. mr. Miranda de Meijer (2019) “Wie nog niet sterk genoeg is, moet slim zijn, Speciale Editie Ondermijning”, Christen-Democratische Verkenningen, wintereditie, (Nederlands)
  • Mr. dr. drs. Jill Coster van Voorhout (2018) “Meer dan alleen “afpakken”: Proactief financieel onderzoek naar mensenhandel in ons publiek-privaat samenwerkingsverband (PPS)”, aFPakken, Vol. 88, (Nederlands)

Media and popular communication about scholarly work (selection) 

  • 08/06/2020 Podcast, Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking, United Nations University.
  • 20/02/2020 Dutch National Bank Meets the Expert, research presentation.
  • 31/01/2020 Podcast, Center for Conflict prevention and Security (CCV).
  • 06/01/2020 National newspaper NRC, Scientific Inlay, COMCRIM.
  • 04/10/2019 Panel presentation, Fraude Film Festival on COMCRIM.
  • 27/09/2019 National newspaper Trouw, interview regarding COMCRIM.
  • 11/05/2019 Podcast, Forensic Finance, Human trafficking. 25/02/2019 Press regarding COMCRIM at the 8pm news NOS-journal, on radio op het op ‘Oog van Morgen’, national newspaper Trouw, etc.
  • 19/05/2017 Trouw, interview regarding IIIM and the (inter-)national prosecution of the Assad regime.
  • 10/11/2016 National newspaper Volkskrant, interview about the Kosovo tribunal.
  • 08/10/2016 National newspaper Volkskrant, interview about international crimes in Syria.
  • 17/07/2016 Channel News Asia, MH17, 24-uurs international TV News network, Singapore.
  • 14/07/2016 MH17 Agence France-Presse (AFP): 18/02/2016 MH17 for IATA Legal
  • 30/09/2015 Media regarding work as Special Advisor ICC Legal Aid Assessment
  • 05/08/2015 Justice Hub, What legal options remain for victims of MH17
  • 31/07/2015 Elsevier Magazine, Legal options for the adjudication of MH17
  • 19/05/2015 The Agence France-Presse about fact-finding
  • 15/05/2015 The Guardian, fact-finding and its use before international courts and tribunals, in English
  • 23/03/2015 Front page national newspaper Volkskrant, MH17
  • 03/02/2015 BBC interview ICJ cases Croatia vs. Serbia
  • 01/08/2014 Trouw, interview regarding international criminal law
  • 17/07/2014 Volkskrant interview regarding State liability of the Netherlands regarding Srebrenica (Dutch)
  • 17/02/2014 El País interview regarding universal jurisdiction (Spanish)
  • 20/05/2009 Trouw interview regarding human trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation
  • 09/05/2007 NRC regarding students’ desks regarding international humanitarian and criminal law

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