06 Apr 2022
Trafficking of Contagion
CovidCrimeWatch, APA-Obs
Research Fellow, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University
Dr Hai Thanh Luong has a Bachelor of Law (Criminal Investigation) and has spent twenty years researching and teaching in police’s institutions across the mainland Southeast Asian region, particularly in Vietnam. As a member of the Asian Regional Law Enforcement Management Program (ARLEMP), funded by Australian Federal Police and hosted by Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and RMIT Hanoi, he has contributed to build a comprehensive connection among law enforcement agencies across Asian countries to prevent and combat serious and transnational crimes since 2005.
In 2010, as one of the new emergent scholars for Australian Development Scholarship in non-traditional security threat’s fields, he was awarded a full scholarship to gain a Master in Transnational Crime Prevention at University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. In 2017 he gained a PhD (criminology) at the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University after examining the complicated structure and modus operandi of several transnational drug trafficking in the Golden Triangle across the borderland between Vietnam and Laos in his thesis.
Dr Hai is currently conducting his Research Fellow in Cyber Criminology at the School of Social Science, the University of Queensland. Additionally, he is a senior research and chair of the Asian Drug Crime Research Committee at the Institute for Asian Crime and Security (IACS), the U.S while holding an Associate Research Fellow at the Social and Global Studies Centre, RMIT University.
His interests include cybercrime, policing in cybercrime/cybersecurity, drug trafficking, migrant smuggling, human trafficking, policing and police training, and environmental crimes and biological threats. His latest book ‘Transnational Drug Trafficking across the Vietnam and Laos Border’ was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2019. He has also published several papers in various academic journals (Asian Survey; Journal of Crime and Justice; International Journal of Cyber Criminology; International Journal of Drug Policy; Policing and Society; International Journal of Crime, Justice and Social Democracy; and Trends in Organized Crime, among others).
Hai T. Luong (2019), Transnational Drug Trafficking in Mainland Southeast Asia: Vietnam and Laos in Palgrave Advances in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Asia edited by Hebenton.B, Jou.S, and Chang.L.Y by Palgrave MacMillan
Book Chapters
Hai T. Luong (2019), ‘Healthcare Service, Food Security, and Sustainable Development: Main Reasons to Grow Opium Poppy in Myanmar’, in Amadi, Luke & Allen, Fidelis Global Food Politics and Approaches to Sustainable Consumption. IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Hai T. Luong (2019) ‘Community-based Operating to Prevent and Combat Crime: Specific Perpectives and Strategic Solutions in Vietnam’ in Augusto Balloni and Raffaella Sette Trends and Issues in Crime Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Victim Support. IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Hai T. Luong 2017, ‘Drug Trafficking Trends and Its Responses: A Case Study of Vietnam’ in Viano, Emilio Cybercrime, Organized Crime, and Societal Responses International Approaches, Springer, Switzerland Journal
Hai T. Luong et al (2021), ‘We Realised We Needed a New Approach’: Government and Law Enforcement Perspectives on the Implementation and Future of the Drug Decriminalization Policy in Vietnam. International Journal of Drug Policy
Hai T. Luong (2021), Why Vietnam still Persist to Maintain the Death Penalty for Drug-related Crime: A Narrative Commentary. International Journal Drug Policy
Hai T. Luong (2020), Community-Based Policing in Covid-19: A 4’P Priorities of Vietnam’s Police. Policing and Society
Hai T. Luong (2020), Drug Trafficking in the Mainland Southeast Asian Region: An Example of Vietnam’s Shared Borderland with Laos. Annals International of Criminology, Vol58(1), pp.130-151
Hai T. Luong (2020), Transnational Crime and Its Trends in the Southeast Asia Region: An Overall Analysis in Vietnam. International Journal of Crime, Justice and Social Democracy vol 9 (2), pp.88-101
Hai T. Luong (2020), Organizational Structure of Transnational Narcotics Trafficking Groups in the Southeast Asian Region: A Case Study of Vietnam’s Borderland with Laos, Trends in Organized Crime
Oanh Nguyen, Toan Q. Le & Hai T. Luong (2020), Police Failure in Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation: An Empirical Study in Vietnam. Journal of Crime and Justice
Trong V. Nguyen and Hai T. Luong (2020), The Structure of Cybercrime Networks: Transnational Computer Fraud in Vietnam Journal of Justice and Crime
Hai T. Luong (2020), Mapping on Transnational Crime Routes in the New Silk Road: A Case Study of the Greater Mekong Sub-region, The Chinese Journal of Global Governance, vol.6 (1), pp.20-35
Hai T. Luong, Melissa Jardine, and Nicholas Thomson (2020) Mobilizing the Police from Top-Down as Public Health Partners in Combating COVID-19: A Perspective from Vietnam. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, vol.5(2) pp.57-59
Hai T. Luong et al (2020), Social Norms and Political Constructions of Drug Use: A Narrative Story of Vietnam. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy
Hai T. Luong et al (2019), Understanding Cybercrime in Vietnam: From Leading-point Provisions to Legislative System and Law Enforcement. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, vol 13(2), pp.290-308
Hai T. Luong (2019), Drug Production, Consumption, and Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, Asian Survey, vol.59(4), pp.717-737
Hai T. Luong, Toan Q. Le, Dung T. Lam & Bac G. Ngo (2019), Vietnam’s Policing in Harm Reduction: Has One Decade Seen Changes in Drug Control? Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, Vol.4(4), pp.67-72