Sergio Nazzaro
Journalist, Writer
Senior Special Agent, Brazilian Federal Police
Guilherme has more than 21 years of experience as a Special Agent with the Brazilian Federal Police, and is currently assigned to the Brazilian representation of INTERPOL. Before joining the Federal Police, he was a civil engineer working with building constructions and renovations. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering and Law (JD), three Masters of Arts (Constitutional Law, Public Law and Public Security Policies), and a MSc in International Relations. He has graduated from the National Defense University/Washington/DC in “Strategy and Defense Policy”, Combating Transnational Organized Crime” and “Strategic Implications of Human Rights and Rule of Law”.
As the Brazilian Federal Police has several departments and divisions, he has had the chance to specialise in various fields of investigations. His areas of expertise as a Federal Agent are: human smuggling/trafficking, international drug trafficking and South America criminal gangs, Intelligence, counterterrorism investigations, immigration, international cooperation and countering transnational organized crime. Since 2015, he has been assigned to the Brazilian representation of INTERPOL, where he has been extensively involved in transnational criminal investigations, especially human smuggling and trafficking, forgery of documents related to immigration issues, counterterrorism and search investigations of fugitives and foreign fighters. He also has significant experience working in the coordination of international centres of cooperation for major events such as 2014 Soccer World Cup, Olympics 2016 (Antiterrorism) and the CCPI (Centre of International Police Cooperation).
As an academic researcher and lecturer, his main themes of research are: Terrorism/CT, foreign fighters, Islamic State and others islamist terrorist Groups, Police International Cooperation, Countering Transnational Organized Crime and prison gangs. He is a research fellow at both research centres: Terrorism Research Initiative – TRI (Brazilian branch), Terrorism/CT and Organized Crime Research Network (Federal Police Academy). He is co-author of the book “Pasaporte al Terror: Los Voluntarios del Estado Islamico” (released in Portuguese and Spanish), He has also written and published a number of articles and book chapters in 3 different languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish). Guilherme is a professor at Federal Police National Academy training and teaching new agents (“International Police Cooperation”) and worked as substitute professor at PUC Minas University in 2018 (“Politics and conflicts of Middle East”).
Books, book chapters and articles