Sarah David
Head of Project - Global Partnership on Drug Policies and Development, GIZ GmbH
Researcher and Professor, Gobernanza para la Seguridad
Frank Casas is an expert in drug control policies and citizen security policies. Currently, Frank Casas directs the permanent workshop “Governance for Security”. Since 2021, he is a member of the Global Network Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.
Frank has more than 10 years of experience in the government sector, directing information management, knowledge management and policy direction offices in areas such as cocaine control, citizen security and fight against corruption. In addition, he has carried out consultancies for various public and international cooperation organizations.
He is a postgraduate professor at various prestigious universities in Peru (such as Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Graduate School of the National Police of Peru, Universidad del Pacífico, ESAN), where he teaches courses in Criminology, Citizen Security and Research Methods for Social Sciences. During the management of Frank Casas as Head of the Peruvian Drug Observatory of the Peruvian State, the anti-drug information system (Siscod) was re-launched, and the coca crop monitoring system was implemented, as well as the monitoring system of cocaine prices. Frank Casas has published various research articles, among which “The productive infrastructure of the cocaine economy in Peru: a local look at social participation in the economic chain” stands out, published by the Elcano Royal Institute and the Fundación Friedrich Naumann.