16 Feb 2023
The grey zone:
Crime & Conflict, ESA-Obs, NAS-Obs, UKR-Obs, WEA-Obs
Director of the Civil Society Observatory of Illicit Economies in East and Southern Africa
Julian Rademeyer is Director of the Organised Crime Observatory for East and Southern Africa at the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime. Previously, he was a project leader at TRAFFIC, the international wildlife trade monitoring network and editor of the fact-checking website, Africa Check. A former investigative journalist, his bestselling book, Killing for Profit – Exposing the Illegal Rhino Horn Trade, was shortlisted for the Alan Paton Award, South Africa’s most prestigious literary prize for non-fiction. His work on illegal wildlife trade and organised crime has been featured on Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Sky News and in The Guardian, New York Times, Sunday Times, Daily Maverick, Economist, National Geographic, Financial Times and the LA Times.
Rademeyer, J. (2012), ‘Killing for Profit – Exposing the Illegal Rhino Horn Trade.’ Zebra Press: Cape Town
Rademeyer, J. (2016), ‘Tipping Point – Transnational Organised Crime and the ‘War’ on Rhino Poaching.’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime: Geneva
Shaw, M & Rademeyer, J. (2016), ‘A Flawed War: Rethinking ‘Green Militarisation’ in the Kruger National Park,’ Politikon, 43:2, 173-192, DOI: 10.1080/02589346.2016.1201379
Rademeyer, J. (2017), ‘Diplomats and Deceit – North Korea’s Criminal Activities in Africa.’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime: Geneva
Moneron, S, Okes, N & Rademeyer, J. (2017), ‘Pendants, Powder and Pathways – Smuggling routes and techniques in the illicit trade in African rhino horn.’ TRAFFIC: Cambridge
Okes, N, Bürgener, M, Moneron, S & Rademeyer, J. (2018), ‘Empty Shells: An assessment of abalone poaching and trade in southern Africa.’ TRAFFIC: Cambridge
Shaw, M & Rademeyer, J. ‘Inside SA’s police assassination problem.’ Sunday Times, 4 October 2020
Shaw, M & Rademeyer, J. ‘Beyond mere Cape gangs: powerful, dangerous and nationwide.‘ Vrye Weekblad, 9 October 2020
Rademeyer,J & Shaw, J. ‘Saving rhinos is a litmus test for tackling organised crime in South Africa.‘ Daily Maverick, 21 September 2021
Stanyard, J, Nelson, A, Ardé, G & Rademeyer, J. (2022) ‘Insurgency, Illicit Markets and Corruption – The Cabo Delgado conflict and its regional implications.’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime: Geneva
Rademeyer,J & Stanyard, J: ‘What about the devil on our doorstep? The bloody conflict raging in Mozambique.’ Sunday Times, 10 April 2022
Rademeyer, J. ‘Zama zamas just one part of a multibillion rand organised crime economy that threatens South Africa.‘ Daily Maverick, 7 August 2022
Rademeyer, J. ‘There is no easy solution to the illegal mining crisis.’ News24.com, 11 August 2022
Shaw, M & Rademeyer,J. ‘The dark, tangled web strangling SA.’ Sunday Times, 25 September 2022
Stanyard, J, Vircoulon, T & Rademeyer,J. (2023) ‘The Grey Zone – Russia’s military, mercenary and criminal engagement in Africa.’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime: Geneva
Rademeyer, J. (2023) ‘Landscape of Fear – Crime, corruption and murder in greater Kruger.’ ENACT Africa: Pretoria
Rademeyer, J. ‘Mpumalanga: Landscape of fear.’ Sunday Times, 12 March 2023