Justin Gosling
Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Consultant
Senior Lecturer, Abertay University
William Graham is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and a former senior police officer in the Strathclyde Police force retiring in 2010 after 30 years’ service. His research interests are policy transfer in international criminal justice in the field of violence prevention initiatives, especially between America and the UK, and general policing studies. The topic of his Doctoral research was an in-depth case study of the policy transfer of the Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV) to Glasgow, Scotland.
William was part of a Scottish Government research team examining the impact of Organized Crime Gangs on local communities in Scotland and was also the Co-Principal Investigator of the team carrying out an evaluation of Police Scotland’s Mobile Working Project, which is part of the ‘Digitally Enabled Policing Programme’ (DEPP). William was the consultant for Northamptonshire Police from 2018-2020 to assist in the implementation of their version of CIRV, copied from Glasgow. He is part of the core team that will evaluate 5 focused deterrence strategy sites in the UK as part of a funded project by the Youth Endowment Fund, building on my in-depth knowledge of this approach.