The Global Initiative Network
GIN Member
Andrew John Goldsmith
Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor and Strategic / Professor of Criminology Director, Centre for Crime Policy & Research
Andrew Goldsmith is Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor of Criminology and Director, Centre for Crime Policy and Research, at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.
He started his professional life as a lawyer before undertaking postgraduate study in criminology and law in the United Kingdom and Canada. He has spent the last 35 years undertaking research in the areas of police governance, transnational policing, corruption, organised crime and cybercrime.
His current research projects relate to serious gun crime, youth pathways into cybercrime and urban/rural linkages in organised crime. He has worked extensively on reform and development-related projects and consultancies in his areas of interest, including police governance reform in Colombia and Turkey, cybercrime prevention in the UK, correctional corruption and court reform in Australia, and police capacity-building in Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands.
He has published twelve books and more than 80 articles and book chapters. He has held a variety of academic positions at universities in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. From 2009 to 2012 he was executive director of the Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention, University of Wollongong, and from 2012 to 2015 he was an adjunct professor at RegNet (School of Regulation and Global Governance), Australian National University.
In 2016 he was made a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. In 2020, he will become a Visiting Scholar in the Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Cambridge University, UK.
- Power and Pain in the Modern Prison: Revisiting the Society of Captives Oxford: Clarendon Press [in preparation, 2020] edited with B Crewe and M Halsey
- Cybercrime Prevention: Theory and Applications (Basingstoke: Palgrave 2019) [co-authored with 5 others]
- Criminologies of the Military (Oxford: Hart 2018) Onati Socio-Legal Series [co-edited with B Wadham, M Halsey]
- Transnational Crime and Criminal Justice (London: Sage 2016) [contributing author, with M Marmo, N Chazal]
- Tackling Correctional Corruption (Basingstoke: Palgrave 2016) [co-authored with M Halsey and A Groves]
- Security, Development, and Nation-building in Timor-Leste: A Cross-sectoral Assessment, (London: Routledge, 2011) [co-edited, with V Harris]
- Crafting Transnational Policing: Police Capacity-building and Global Police Reform [ (Oxford: Hart Publishers) Onati Socio-Legal Series [ Co-edited with J Sheptycki]
- Civilian Oversight of Policing: Governance, Democracy and Human Rights (Hart Publishers, Oxford, 2000), [co-edited with Dr Colleen Lewis
- Complaints Against the Police: The Trend to External Review (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991)
- “Digital Drift and the ‘Sense of Injustice’: Counter-Productive Policing of Youth Cybercrime” Deviant Behavior (2018) [with T Holt and R Brewer] 40 (9), 1144–1156
- “Young people, the internet, and nascent pathways into criminality” International Journal of Cyber Criminology, (2018), 12(1), 107-124 [with R Brewer, J Cale and T Holt]
- “Digital Drift and the Criminal Interaction Order” Theoretical Criminology (2015) 19(1), 112-130 [with R Brewer]
- “Disgracebook Policing: Social Media and the Rise of Police Indiscretion” Policing & Society, (2015), 25(3), 249-267
- “Achieving restorative justice: Assessing contrition and forgiveness in the adult conference process” (2015) ANZ Journal of Criminology 48 (4), 483-497 [with M Halsey and D Bamford]
- “Cousins in Crime: Mobility, Place and Belonging in Chronic Indigenous Youth Co-Offending” (2013) British Journal of Criminology, 57, 1157-1177 [with M Halsey]
- “Trust, trustworthiness, and trust-building in international policing missions” ANZ Journal of Criminology, (2012) 45 (2), 231-254 [with V Harris]
- “Policing in the Development Space: Australia’s International Police Capacity Builders” (2012) Third World Quarterly, 33, 1019-1036 [with V Harris]
- “Introduction” Special issue on Illicit Networks, Crime Law & Social Change, (2012) 57, 123-127 [with G Lysaght]
- “Policing’s New Visibility” British Journal of Criminology (2010) 50, 914-934
- “Engendering Transnational Policing: Experiences of Australian women in international policing operations” International Peacekeeping (2010) 17 (2), 292-306 [with V Harris]
- “Integrating Security, Development and Nation-building in Timor-Leste” (2009) Conflict, Security & Development, 9(2), 133-139 [with V Harris]
- “Out of Step: multilateral police missions, culture and nation-building in Timor-Leste” (2009) Conflict, Security & Development, 9(2), 189-211 [with V Harris]
- “International Police Missions as Reverse Capacity Building: Experiences of Australian Police Personnel” [authored with V Harris], Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice (2009), 3 (1), 50-58 [special issue 2008 on Police Governance]
- “’It wasn’t like normal policing’: Australian police peace-keepers in Operation Serene, Timor-Leste 2006,” Policing & Society, 2009, 19 (2) 119-133
- “The Governance of Terror: Precautionary Logic and Counter-terrorist Law Reform After 9/11” Law and Policy, 30 (2), 141-167 (2008)
- “Transnational Police-Building: Critical Lessons from Timor-Leste and Solomon Islands”, Third World Quarterly, 28 (6), 1091-1109 (2007) (with Sinclair Dinnen)
- “’We the Redeemers’: Hubris and Humility in International Humanitarianism” Melbourne University Law Review (August 2005), 29 (2), 598-619
- “Pre-empting Terrorism: A Comment” Current Issues in Criminal Justice (July 2005), 17 (1), 115-119
- “Police reform and the problem of trust” Theoretical Criminology (November 2005), 9 (4), 443-470
- “Fear, Fumbling, and Frustration: Reflections on Doing Criminological Fieldwork in Colombia (2003) 3 Criminal Justice 103-125
- “Getting Justice, Latin American Style” (2003) 13 International Criminal Justice Review 168-186
- “Policing Weak States: Citizen Safety and State Responsibility” (2003) 13 Policing and Society 3-21
- “Why Should Law Matter? Towards a Clinical Model of Legal Education” (2002) 25 (3) University of New South Wales Law Journal 721-747
- “Police Reform: Governance, Security and Human Rights” Australia and Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific, Newsletter no. 14, November 2002, 29-32
- “The Pursuit of Police Integrity: Leadership and Governance Dimensions” (2001) 13 Current Issues in Criminal Justice 185-202
- “Informal Resolution of Complaints against Police in Australia: Building better understanding or mere bureaucratic convenience?” (2000) 17 Law in Context 34-56
- “The Police We Need” (1999) 24 Alternative Law Journal 127-131