Andrew John Goldsmith
Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor and Strategic / Professor of Criminology Director, Centre for Crime Policy & Research
Director, Center for Democracy and Human Rights - CEDEM
Milena Bešić is the director of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights – CEDEM, a Think-Tank organisation, that is for more that 20 years dedicated to promotion of human rights, suport to rule of law and mechanisam for democratization of society in general.
She is an economist with 20 years’ experience in CSOs, international organizations and media. Ms. Bešić has been working within Montenegrin Media Institute, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Standing Cinference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia, Institute Alternative where she gained strong management, leadership and project implementation skills.
Milena Bešić is the part of the following working groups: 1) Sectoral Monitoring Committee of the Operational Programme – Human Resources Development 2012-2013 (Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare; 2) Member of the Commission on the monitong of the implementation of Action Plan for achieving gender equality in Montenegro (2017 – 2021) (Ministry for Human and Minority Rights); 3)Member of the Advisory group of the ReLOaD Project in the WB (UNDP).