11 Mar 2019
Drug Policy
Associate, London Policing College
Martin Gallagher is a former Superintendent with Police Scotland. He now works as an associate with the London Policing College. Martin’s background is mainly in intelligence, the investigation of serious crime and command roles. He has also worked on national crisis events, the London Olympics, and COP26. He completed a posting as the Area Commander of Paisley in Scotland, and followed this as Business Lead on the force’s £30 Million successful Mobile Working Digital Project.
He holds a BA (Hons) in Philosophy from the University of Stirling, UK, and Master’s degrees in Criminal Justice Studies (from the University of Portsmouth, UK) and Terrorism Studies (from the University of St. Andrews, UK) along with a PhD in Criminology (from Lancaster University, UK).
Martin writes on the terrorism, organized crime, in addition to police and criminal justice issues. He has over 40 publications and his work has been covered by the BBC, the Sunday Times and Jane’s Intelligence Review. He has lectured on policing at a number of universities for over 15 years, and is an established conference panel member. He has spoken as an invited guest at numerous conferences and events, including for UNODC ICCT – The Hague and the NYPD.