The Global Initiative Network
GIN Member
Maria Isabel Couto
Director of Data and Transparency, Fogo Cruzado Institute
Maria Isabel Couto is the Director of Data and Transparency at the Fogo Cruzado Institute responsible for managing the first database of shootings in Latin America. She is also the co-creator of the first historical cartography of drug factions and militias in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Maria Isabel has a PhD in Sociology with extensive experience in the security sector, civil society, government and hybrid projects. She was a coordinator of the security area at FGV/DAPP, field assistant, local manager and supervisor of UPP Social (a UN-Habitat program in partnership with Rio City Hall), and a consultant for IPEA. She has also worked on various ISER projects in partnership with Seseg/UPPs, Senasp, UN-Habitat and the government of Alagoas.