María Alejandra Vélez
Director of CESED, Los Andes University
Professor, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
Marcelo Bergman holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of California at San Diego. He is a professor and the director of the Center for Latin American Studies on Insecurity and Violence (CELIV) at the National University of Tres de Febrero in Argentina, and directs the Master’s Degree in Criminology and Citizen Security at this University.
Previously, he worked as a professor-researcher at the Center for Research and Economic Teaching (CIDE) of Mexico (2001-2012), and was a visiting professor of Sociology at the University of Oregon. He writes on a variety of issues related to crime, public security, illegal drugs, illicit markets, and public policies in Latin America. Other areas of research include taxation, compliance and rule of law in the region. He has led a large number of projects in data collection on crime and institutional performance in more than 14 countries in the region.