07 Mar 2024
Hostage to violent extremism
Crime & Conflict, Crime Terror Nexus, WEA-Obs
Senior Analyst, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Lyes is a Senior Analyst at the GI-TOC, working in the Observatory of Illicit Economies in West Africa since October 2021. Since joining the West Africa observatory, Lyes has co-led the illicit hub mapping initiative which seeks to identify major hubs of illicit economies across the region, due to be published in September 2022. He is also the editor of the Observatory’s Risk Bulletin, a quarterly publication which analyzes trends, developments and insights into the relationship between criminal economies and instability across wider West Africa and the Sahel.
Lyes joined the GI-TOC in September 2017 as a Research Assistant. Before joining the West Africa team, Lyes was a senior member of the Organized Crime Index team. He is also co-author of the 2019 Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Index, as well as curator of the GI-TOC’s #CovidCrimeWatch newsletters, which explored existing and emerging interactions between COVID-19 and the illicit economy around the globe.
Lyes has a BA in Politics and Economics from Newcastle University and a MSc in Security Studies from University College London (UCL). Holding dual British-Algerian nationality and having grown up in Italy, Lyes is fluent in English, French and Italian. His Spanish is a work in progress.
GI-TOC, Global Organized Crime Index 2021, September 2021, https://ocindex.net/assets/downloads/global-ocindex-report.pdf.
ENACT, Organised Crime Index Africa 2021: Evolution of crime in a Covid world, A comparative analysis of organized crime in Africa, 2019–2021, November 2021, https://africa.ocindex.net/assets/downloads/enact_report_2021.pdf.
ENACT, Organised Crime Index Africa 2019, https://africa.ocindex.net/assets/downloads/enact_report_2019.pdf.
Sergio Nazzaro, Lyes Tagziria and Ruggero Scaturro, June 2020, A parallel contagion: Is mafia entrepreneurship exploiting the pandemic?, https://globalinitiative.net/analysis/parallel-contagion-mafia-covid/.
Sergio Nazzaro, Lyes Tagziria and Ruggero Scaturro, May 2020, Lockdown in lock-up: Italy’s prison system has been plunged into crisis by the pandemic – and by the mafia., https://globalinitiative.net/analysis/italy-prisons-covid/.
Lyes Tagziria, Consolidation of the old, emergence of the new: impact on COVID-19 on illicit economies, The Diplomatic Post, Volume 5: Spring 2021, University of Exeter, https://exeterdiplomatichub.com/journal-vol-v/.
Lyes Tagziria, March – December 2020, #CovidCrimeWatch Newsletters, https://globalinitiative.net/initiatives/covid-crime-watch/.
Macfadyen, G., Hosch, G., Kaysser, N. and Tagziria, L., 2019. The IUU Fishing Index, 2019. Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Limited and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, https://www.iuufishingindex.net/downloads/IUU-Report-2019.pdf.