The Global Initiative Network
GIN Member
Luiz de Paiva
Co-founder, Centre for the Study of Liberty and Authoritarianism
Luiz work has focused on criminal justice reform and drug-related overincarceration, and the legal implications of drug policy and development issues on urban settings. He holds an MSc and PhD in criminal law at the University of São Paulo, and is an associate researcher at the LSE International Drug Policy Unit.
In 2019, he co-founded the Centre for the Study of Liberty and Authoritarianism (LAUT), to observe and monitor the manifestation of authoritarianism in Brazil by generating and sharing knowledge on the quality of rule of law and democracy. He is also a member at the Brazilian Institute for Criminal Sciences and at the Prison Policy Lab (University of Brasília), and a regular contributor for the Institute for Crime and Policy Research at Birkbeck, University of London.
Luiz has held senior positions in the Executive and Judiciary branches in Brazil, such as head of the Secretariat for Drug Policy at the Ministry of Justice, Chief Advisor to the President of the Federal Supreme Court, Chief of Staff at the Secretariat for Human Rights at the São Paulo City Hall, and member of the National Council for Criminal and Penitentiary Policy.
- PAIVA, LGM. Fábrica de Penas [En: The Punishment Factory]. Rio de Janeiro: Revan, 2009.
Book chapters
- Paiva, LGM., 2019. Drug Policy, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Criminal Justice in Brazil. In: Collins, J, Agnew-Pauley, W, Soderholm, A. (ed.), Rethinking Drug Courts: International Experiences of a US Policy Export, London, London Publishing Partnership, pp. 75-98.
- Paula, F., Paiva, LGM., 2019. A pesquisa legislativa: fontes, cautelas e alternativas à abordagem tradicional [En: Legislative research: sources, cautions and alternatives to traditional research methods]. In: Queiroz, RMR, Feferbaum, M. (org), Metodologia da pesquisa em Direito, São Paulo, Saraiva, pp. 129-150.
- Paiva, LGM., 2016. Diagnóstico da Política Criminal Brasileira [En: Diagnosis of Brazilian Penal Policy] . In: Machado, M., Puschel, F. (org), Responsabilidade e Risco no Estado Democrático de Direito, São Paulo, FGV, pp. 85-94.
Peer-reviewed Journals
- Paiva, L.G.M. de . and Carlos, J. de O., 2019. Illusions Clouding Decision-Making: How the Justice System Fails to Understand the Illicit Drug Market. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development, 1(2), pp.220–225. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31389/jied.36.
- Paiva, L.G.M. de., Feltran, G. and Carlos, J. de O., 2019. Presentation of the Special Issue. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development, 1(2), pp.118–121. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31389/jied.25.
- Paiva, L.G.M. de, 2018. Constituição e encarceramento no Brasil: a revalorização da pena de prisão na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (1987-1988) [En: Constitution and incarceration in Brazil: revitalization of prison at the National Constituent Assembly (1987-1988)]. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais 147, pp. 548-602.
- Paiva, L.G.M. de, 2018. Panorama Internacional das Políticas sobre Drogas [En: International panorama on drug policy]. IPEA, Boletim de Análise Político-Institucional 18, pp. 99-106.
Specialized media
- Paiva, LGM, 2017. Os 10 anos da Lei de Drogas [En: 10 years of the Brazilian Drug Law]. JOTA, 18.03.2017
- Paiva, LGM, Alloni, RT, 2016. UNGASS 2016: o início de uma nova perspectiva para a política internacional sobre drogas? [En: UNGASS 2016: the beginning of a new perspective to international drug policy?]. JOTA, 15.04.2016