Natasha Khan
Coordinator of Leadership, Governance and Human Rights Programme, University of the South Pacific
Partner, Estudio de Abogados
Jorge Mario Andrino Grotewold is a lawyer, public notary, human rights magister, and transparency specialist, who earned his PhD on Strategic Security at San Carlos University in Guatemala, after having finished several international programs at the Hague Academy of International Law, the Ecole Nationale d’Adminstration in Paris, Cranfield University, the London School of Economics & Political Science and the John F. Kennedy School of Government.
He has a 22-year career as a scholar (professor, lecturer and researcher), and has done extensive work for development cooperation agencies in Central America. Author of more than 20 academic publications including 3 books. Designated by the Vice-president of Guatemala as Secretary General at the National Secretariat of Administration of Assets in Extinction of Domain for a 3-year period (2020-2023).