The Global Initiative Network

GIN Member

Daniela Rea

Journalist, Pie de Página

Daniela Rea is a Mexican journalist who has also taken her inquiries and professional sensitivity to other fields such as photojournalism, documentaries, non-fiction narratives, as well as other literary styles.

With a recognized experience for her work on social issues, justice, violence and human rights, she is a founding member of the Red Periodistas de Pie that is part of the Global Network of Investigative Journalism and co-editor of Pie de página, a journalism portal created with the support of the European Union.

She is a part of the Nuevos cronistas de Indias, of the Fundación de Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano, by Gabriel García Márquez. Considered a new generation of chroniclers from Latin America that has launched itself to relate stories of daily life as a literary revolution.

She has been a speaker and workshop leader in various international forums related to journalism and social issues. Also, she is a recipient of numerous awards for outstanding achievements in journalism.


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