The Global Initiative Network
GIN Member
Christian Vianna De Azevedo
Senior Special Agent, Brazilian Federal Police
Christian has been a Special Agent with the Brazilian Federal Police for the past 20 years. He is currently serving as the Under Secretary of Justice and Public Security for Intelligence and Integration within the Department of Justice and Public Security in the State of Minas Gerais – Brazil.
Before joining the Federal Police, he was a Tax Lawyer and Consultant with KPMG International for 4 years. He holds a PhD in International Relations from PUC Minas/ Brazil.
He also holds an MA in International Relations and a degree in Law (JD). He has graduated from the Perry Center/National Defense University/Washington/DC in both “Strategy and Defense Policy” and Combating Transnational Organized Crime” courses.
His areas of expertise as a Federal Agent include Intelligence, Counterterrorism, Intelligence Operations, Counter Intelligence, Jungle Operations, Counter Guerrilla Operations, Countering Transnational Organized Crime, Counter Migrant Smuggling, Anti-Corruption and Counternarcotics. He has an extensive experience in transnational crime investigations and counterterrorism, both in Brazil and overseas. He was recently deployed for one year in the Middle East to investigate transnational terrorism threats and terrorism facilitation (crime x terror nexus) in a multinational environment consisting of law enforcement, intelligence and military personnel.
As an academic researcher, his main themes of research are: Terrorism/CT, Insurgency/COIN, Countering Transnational Organized Crime and Asymmetric Conflicts. He is a research fellow at research centers in Brazil and abroad. He has written and published a number of articles and book chapters in 3 different languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish). He is also a lecturer and professor at post graduation level in Brazil and overseas. He is a trainer/instructor at UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute) and UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) in the area of “crime x terror nexus” and “Capacity building to counter crime/terror convergence.”
He is also a lecturer at Washington/DC based National Defense University’s Perry Center and NESA Center in the area of CTOC, CT and Capacity Building for countering crime/terror nexus.
- ISIS Resurgence in Al Hawl Camp and Human Smuggling Enterprises in Syria: Crime and Terror Convergence? In: Perspectives on Terrorism. Volume 14. Issue. 4. 2020.
- Network vs Network: Countering Crime-Terror by Combining the Strengths of Law Enforcement, Military and Academia. In: Perspectives on Terrorism. Volume 14. Issue. 4. 2020.
- O Hezbollah e suas ações criminosas transnacionais: arrojo, dinamismo e eficiência na fusão entre crime e terrorismo (Book chapter). In: Perspectivas do Terrorismo Transnacional Contemporâneo. Arraes Editores. v 01, P 84-136. 2019.
- Las Fuerzas Armadas y Su Actuación en la Seguridad Pública en Brasil: Un breve análisis de las operaciones para garantizar la ley y el orden. Centro de Estudios Estratégicos de Ejército de Peru – Peru- 2019.
- El reemplazo de las redes colombianas por las venezolanas en el narcotráfico fronterizo internacional. Real Instituto Elcano – España– 2019.
- Colômbia e as FARC: Cenários Pós Conflito e Repercussões Regionais.
Instituto Igarapé – Artigos Estratégicos – P 01-30 – 2018.
- Correlações Entre Migração Forçada e Terrorismo: reflexões sobre a crise dos refugiados na Europa. Meridiano 47 – UNB v 19. P 01-10 – 2018.
- Venezuela’s Toxic Relations with Iran and Hezbollah: an avenue of violence, crime, corruption and terrorism. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Policiais v. 9, P 43-90 – 2018
- Criminal Insurgency in Brazil. The case of Rio de Janeiro: context, confrontation issues and implications for Brazilian public security.
Small Wars Journal – USA – 2018.
- Reflections on Hezbollah’s violent and non-violent strategies and tactics.
Revista Mundorama. UnB. Periódico de divulgação científica em Relações Internacionais da Universidade de Brasília – 2018.
- Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian Civil War. How has the group been impacted? Revista Mundorama. UnB. Periódico de divulgação científica em Relações Internacionais da Universidade de Brasília – 2017.
- A rota dos diamantes na América do Sul e suas implicações no financiamento do terrorismo. Revista Defesa Aérea e Naval – Brasil – 2015.
- Demobilizing and reintegrating FARC fighters: The challenges faced to end the forever war. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Policiais – 2014.
Instituto Igarapé – Artigos Estratégicos – P 01-30 – 2018.
Small Wars Journal – USA – 2018.
Revista Mundorama. UnB. Periódico de divulgação científica em Relações Internacionais da Universidade de Brasília – 2018.