Luiz de Paiva
Co-founder, Centre for the Study of Liberty and Authoritarianism
President, COLADCA - Latin American Community of Consultants and Advisers in Risk and Security Management
Aristides Contreras is the founding President of COLADCA, Latin American Community of Consultants and Advisers in Risk and Security Management where he focused on bring together professionals from the Security and Risk management in Latin américa for research and rethink the security with a model that need best practices and unite the private sectors, public and the academy, now the organization have 1800 members registered in 11 countrys and actively participating in the committees of articulation and establishment of technical standards in LATAM countries.
Aristides is professor in the Master to management of integral security at the graduate school of the Colombian Air Force and researcher of the School of War of the Military Forces of Colombia, Master in Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense, program responsible for design the Public Policy of Digital Security of the country.
Aristides is Lawyer with a Specialization in Constitutional Criminal Procedure, Is a an Officer retired in the Army and worked for several years in the Management of Integral Security at a national level in security contracts and for effective Risk Management, is a Certified Consultant by the Superintendence of Surveillance and Private Security (SVSP of Colombia) and is Speaker on issues of updating the regulations and procedures that minimize the occurrence of losses in organizations and improve risk management and security in countries of Latin américa.
Aristides is evangelizer on cybersecurity issues and cyber risks, leading the implementation of policies and procedures with ISO 31000:2018, (Risk management – Guidelines), and help the companys to have best practices with ISO 18788:2015 (Management system for private security operations) OEA (Authorized Economic Operator) also for the implementation of the SARLAFT, (Risk Management System for Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism) and SIPLAFT – (System for the Prevention and Control of money laundering, financing of terrorism and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.)