Mariano Jacquet
Head of Criminal Intelligence Liaison, Buenos Aires Provincial Police and Professor of Cybersecurity, Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz National University
Senior Investigating Officer, Directorate for Countering Organized Crime
Adrian Ștefan is a Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) with over 8 years of experience in the areas of human rights, serious and organized crime, modern slavery and countering trafficking in human beings. He was involved in investigation of human trafficking cases, victim identification, and provided direct assistance and protection to victims.
He is an experienced adviser and strategic and operational coordinator. He has coordinated several Joint Investigation Teams established at international level under EUROJUST umbrella. Moreover, he has hands-on expertise working with vulnerable groups (such as children and Roma people).
Mr. Roșu has extensive experience of working in a multicultural, multidisciplinary and multi-ethnic environment, which he obtained by working within several European Multidisciplinary Joint Investigation Teams comprising over 60 international members. Further, he has a proven record in the area of countering human trafficking, including analysis, investigation, co-operation with all stakeholders on a practical and institutional level, national and international cooperation as primary point of contact (e.g. through Europol, Interpol and Eurojust).
Adrian Ștefan is an outstanding results-driven expert at high international level. Some of the operations that he coordinated at strategic and operational level were appreciated as good practice cases and emphasized in EUROJUST’s 2021 Annual Report on Trafficking in Human Beings. He was involved in the EMPACT project (European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats) at various levels such as JADs (Joint Action Days) and Expert Meetings. EUROJUST, EUROPOL and CEPOL Senior Expert on Serious and Organised Crime, Trafficking in Human Beings, International Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Cooperation and Management of Joint Investigation Teams (JITs).