Nirmal Ghosh
Writer and conservationist
Professor of Sociology at the University of São Paulo
Angela Alonso is a full professor at the Department of Sociology at USP and the coordinator of the research area on social movements at Cebrap (Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning), which she chaired between 2015 and 2019. She also served as deputy coordinator of Human and Social Sciences at The São Paulo Research Foundation (2021-2024). She holds a Phd in sociology by University of São Paulo (with one year at Columbia University). She was a visiting fellow at Yale University and Harvard University, and served as a researcher at The Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability at Sussex University and at MECILA – M. S. Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality In Latin America (2017-2020). She authors four books, the most recent are The Last Abolition: the Brazilian abolitionist movement, 1868-1888 (Cambridge U.P, 2021), and Treze: a política de rua de Lula a Dilma (2023), on the protests during the governments of the Work Party in Brazil. Alonso was awarded three national prizes for her books and the John S. Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship. She coordinated several research projects on social movement, democracy and political conflicts. Currently, she researches political assassinations in Brazil.