James Soiles
Senior Advisor, Dept. of Homeland Security/FLETC
Co-coordinator, Center for Studies on Transnational Organized Crime (CeCOT)
Valeska Troncoso is a researcher and co-coordinator of the Center for Studies on Transnational Organized Crime (CeCOT), International Relations Institute, at University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. She has more than 10 years of experience in research related to security in Latin American, particularly in organized crime. Valeska is also a member of Amassuru, a network of women in the field of security and defense in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Valeska holds a MA in International Studies from the University of Santiago de Chile and is a BA in History from the University del Desarrollo, Chile. She has taken specialization courses in transnational organized crime (Perry Center/National Defense University), drug trafficking and policies in the Andean Region (University of the Andes and Open Society Foundations) and in security and defense strategies (Inter-American Defense College). She is a PhD candidate working on her dissertation, which is focused on organized crime in the Tri-Border area between Chile, Peru and Bolivia.