18 Mar 2016
Global Initiative
Managing Director of Cyber Security, Barclays Bank Group, London
Troels Oerting is Managing Director of Cyber Security, Barclays Bank Group, London. He started in the Danish Police back in 1980 and went through the ranks serving as Director of the Danish NCIS, Director of National Crime Squad and later as Director of the Danish Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA). He held positions as Head of NCB Copenhagen, Chair of the Head of Europol National Unit group (HENU), member of DK Europol Management Board delegation and Head of DK Schengen / Sirene. Later he became Director of Operations in the Danish Security Intelligence Service and was promoted to Assistant Director in Europol in 2009. He has had various responsibilities in Europol’s Operational Department and serves now as Head of European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) and Interim Head of Europol Counter Terrorist and Financial Intelligence Centre.