The Global Initiative Network
GIN Member
Thiago Rodrigues
Associate Professor, Fluminense Federal University (UFF)
Thiago Rodrigues is an Associate Professor at the Institute for Strategic Studies (INEST) of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He got his PhD in Political Sciences (International Relations) at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (Brazil) and the Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III) in 2008. He is a research fellow of the Brazilian Council for Research (CNPq) conducting a research project in which he develops a theorization of the processes concerning the production and transformation of drug policies in the Americas. Rodrigues is member of the directive board of the Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales (CRIES, Argentina), leading a research project on criminal governance at the Colombian-Venezuelan border sponsored by the Stanley Center for Peace and Security (USA). Rodrigues is an active member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Marx and Marxism (Niep-Marx/UFF, Brazil). Rodrigues is a US State Department International Visitors Leadership Program Alumnus. He is part of the team for the project ‘(Co)Building a Strategic Agenda for the Americas’ sponsored by Ford Foundation. In 2018, Rodrigues was visiting professor at the Institute for Political and International Relations Studies (IEPRI) of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá).
- Rodrigues, Thiago; Labate, Beatriz (2023).The impacts of the drug war on IndigenousPeoples in Latin America: An overview, Journal of Psychedelic Studies, (1)48-57.
- Rodrigues, Thiago; Rodríguez-Pinzón, Érika (2020). «Mano dura» y democracia en América Latina: seguridad pública, violencia y estado de derecho, América Latina Hoy, 84, 2020, pp. 89-113
- Rodrigues, Thiago; Pereira, Paulo (2022). Erva do Diabo ou Panaceia? Biopolíticas da Cannabis no Brasil. Cadernos de Campo, v. 31, n. 1
- Rodrigues, Thiago; Policarpo, Frederico; Carvalho, Jonatas (2021).Brasil y el Drug Policy Framework (DPF): una propuesta teórica para el análisis de las políticas de drogas en las Américas (estudio de caso: 1951-1961), Diálogos Latinoamericanos, v. 30,
- Rodrigues, Thiago; Labate, Beatriz (2019). México y el narcoanálisis: una genealogía de las políticas de drogas en los gobiernos Calderón y Peña Nieto. Colombia Internacional, n. 100,
- Rodrigues, Thiago (2020). Narcotráfico, militarización y democracia en el Brasil contemporáneo. Madrid: Fundación Carolina,
- Labate, Beatriz; Cavnar, Clancy; Rodrigues, Thiago (eds.) (2017). Drug Policies and the Politics of Drugs in the Americas. Cham: Springer,
- Rodrigues, Thiago; Labate, Beatriz (2017). Prohibición y la ‘guerra contra las drogas’ en las Américas. Outros Tempos, v. 14, n. 24,
- Labate, Beatriz; Rodrigues, Thiago (eds.) (2019). Política de Drogas no Brasil: conflitos e alternativas. Campinas: Mercado de Letras,
- Rodrigues, Thiago; Kalil, Mariana; Zepeda, Roberto; Rosen, Jonathan (2017). War Zone Acapulco: Urban Drug Trafficking in the Americas. Contexto Internacional, 39(3), 11.The Militarization and Beyond Thiago Rodrigues, Érika M. Rodríguez-Pinzón y Ole Wæver (2020). The Militarization and Beyond. Pensamiento Propio, n. 51,