Aleksandar Srbinovski
Field Coordinator for Northern Macedonia, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime
Office Director, Anti-Crime Program Office, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Susan Snyder has more than 25 years experience working on foreign assistance programs, both in the U.S. State Department and within the United Nations system. She currently heads the Anti-Crime Program Office in the State Department’s Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), overseeing regional, bilateral and multilateral policies and programs on a range of crime topics including corruption, money laundering, border security, cybercrime, transnational organized crime and wildlife trafficking. In this position, she also oversees the five International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEAs) that train law enforcement officers from 85 countries around the world each year. Ms. Snyder previously served for more than four years as the Deputy Director of the Western Hemisphere Programs Office (WHP) in INL, annually managing $500 million in foreign assistance programs to build more effective justice sectors to address a full range of transnational crime issues. Before that, as the INL Mérida Coordinator, Ms. Snyder spent two years working closely with Mexican partners to build effective and efficient law enforcement, counternarcotics and rule of law programs. Also in INL, Ms. Snyder worked for two years on rule of law programs in Africa and Asia, including on drug trafficking through West Africa, and on the Women’s Justice Empowerment Initiative, which resulted in enhanced justice sector services for women in four African countries. Based at the U.S. Embassy in South Africa, Ms. Snyder was the State Department’s Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Officer for Southern and Eastern Africa for almost four years. Ms. Snyder worked in the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime on counterterrorism issues and for the International Agency for Atomic Energy on cancer prevention. She also served as a Special Assistant to the Counselor of the State Department, working on Cuban issues and humanitarian relief after Hurricane Mitch devastated in Central America.