Zaki Mubarok Busro
PhD Candidate, Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS), University of Wollongong
Professor, Attorney at Law, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece & GeoLab Institute, Corfu, Greece
Stavros KATSIOS is Professor of International Economic Relations and International Economic Crime at the Ionian University, Corfu, Greece and Director of the Laboratory for Geocultural Analyses; he has served as chairman of the University Library’s Supervisory Committee, as elected Vice Rector for Economic Management and Development of the Ionian University (2011-2015) and acted as the representative of the Rectors’ Conference for the formulation of the Qualifcations’ Framework of the Greek Educational System (September 2011 – October 2015).
He specialises in International Economic Law, European Community Law and economic crime (e.g. corruption, money laundering). He has studied law at the “Albertus Magnus” University, Cologne, Germany, at Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA (scholarship for attending courses in International Law and Policy) and at the Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. He holds a university degree in Law from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1987), a postgraduate Diploma in European Law from the “Europa-Institute” of Saarland University, Germany (1991) and a Ph.D. degree in Commercial and International Economic Law from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1997).
He is a lawyer, member of the Thessaloniki Bar since 1990 and of the German Bar Association since 1996. Since 1998, he lectures at the School of National Security of the Hellenic Police Academy in Athens on international economic crime issues. Since fall semester 1995 he teaches various law and economics courses at the Ionian University (D.F.L.T.I.) and since 2010 Anti-Money Laundering issues at the Hellenic Banking Institute of the Hellenic Bank Association in Athens; from 1998 to 1999 he was an Associate of the Program for Reforming the Law studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
He was appointed as Member of the Working Group “Non Tax Revenues–Money Laundering Proceeds” at the Greek Ministry of Economy for drafting the new Greek Tax Law (2004); since 2004 he is the first Greek member of the USA-based “Association of Certified Ant-Money Laundering Specialists” (ACAMS). He is representative of the Ionian University at the European Migration Network (E.M.N) and the director of the publications’ series “Globalization and Governance” and “Geolab Library” of Papazisis Publications, Athens, Greece.