01 Dec 2023
Global Organized Crime Index
Senior Advisor, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
The present position of Odd Berner Malme is Senior Adviser at the Norwegian Police Directorate. Previous he was the Head of Law Enforcement at the OSCE Mission to Serbia, and in the lead and coordination of the reform of the Serbian Police Service. Mr. Malme was Minister Counsellor and Police Adviser at the Permanent Mission of Norway to United Nations from 2007 to 2012. His main working area was peace and security and rule of law, with focus on peacekeeping operations, counter terrorism and transnational organised crime. Mr. Malme graduated from the Norwegian Police Academy in 1970 and have since then taken part in advanced police education and extensive leadership training. Mr. Malme is a graduate of the FBI Academy’s National Executive Institute and has participated in courses and conferences both nationally and internationally. Add to his long and comprehensive police career he also had service at Ministry level where he was Head of International Development and Cooperation in the Norwegian Ministry of Police and Justice. He was a key player in the implementation of the Schengen Cooperation and the establishment of the Baltic Sea Task Force. From 1997 he served as Head of the Organised Crime and Criminal Intelligence Department at the Oslo Police, and in 2001 he became National Deputy Police Commissioner of Norway and in a team took the Norwegian Police Service through the most significant reform in the history of the Norwegian Police Service with focus on a new management structure. He had this position until he became appointed to the Permanent Mission in New York. During his service in New York he was for a period contracted as Special Adviser to the United Nations International Independent Investigation Commission in Lebanon on the investigation of the killing of Prime Minister Hariri. Mr. Malme has been been employed at the Norwegian Police Security Service as well, working with cases related to national security. Mr. Malme is one of the founding members of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime.