Madan Sharma
Independent Legal Consultant, retired officer in the Indian Police Service
Professor, National University of Rosario
Marco Iazzetta holds a degree in Political Science at the National University of Rosario (UNR, Argentina), a Ph.D. in Political Science (UNR, Rosario, Argentina) and a Ph.D. in Philosophy (Université Paris 8, France).
Dr. Iazzetta is currently the Director of the “Research Program on Firearms and Violence in the city of Rosario” of the UNR. He has made different presentations and publications at national and international level. He specializes in the study of organized crime, the use of armed violence and illegal markets in Argentina and mainly in Rosario. In addition, he is currently studying the links that local organizations have with international groups from Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil.
He has served as Undersecretary of Public Security Policies of the Ministry of Security of the Province of Santa Fe (2019-2021) and as Criminal Analyst in the Investigation Agency of the Public Ministry of the Accusation (2018-2019), the Prosecutor’s Office of the Province of Santa Fe.