11 May 2017
Private Sector
Detective, Remote Operations Agency
Karsten von Hoesslin is the Head Detective of the Remote Operations Agency and stems from an intelligence background and specialises in HUMINT (Human Intelligence) infiltration and investigative methodologies, which are derived from his PhD studies. He also holds a Masters in Strategic Studies and a BA in Political Science and History.
Karsten is also a Response Consultant and commanded the marine component for the hostage rescue of the highest ransom case in Somali pirate history (Smyrni case). He also has ample experience in field operations in South East Asia where he tracks and locates hijacked vessels and criminal syndicates. As a Detective with the Remote Operations Agency, Karsten investigates cold cases (unsolved mysteries) ranging from homicide to environmental crimes in order to ensure that suspects can be brought to justice. Most recently, Karsten solved the infamous ‘Murder at Sea’ case, which depicted a series of killings in a YouTube video that went viral and was featured in National Geographic’s Lawless Oceans. Currently, Karsten is working a number of cases with respect to namely homicide and environmental crimes around the world. The Remote Operations Agency specialises in both investigations as well as crisis response consultancy and contingency planning for public and private sectors.
Karsten is trained and experienced in hostage negotiation and crisis intervention including psychological first aid and post-traumatic stress reduction techniques and is also trained in forensic crime scene investigation behavioural profiling as well as interviewing and interrogation techniques. He is an instructor in remote medical major incident management conduct after capture as well as disaster preparedness emphasising medical psychological, and small team deployments.
Karsten is also trained in SWAT and tactical medicine and is a Paramedic candidate with currently an EMT-level certification. Karsten has also been part of special medical teams in Nigeria providing assistance to Boko Haram victims and has also provided support in post-disaster environments including Typhoon Yolanda. He has liaised with government agencies on forensics relating to organised crime in both Asia and East Africa and conducts extensive Medical Intelligence surveys in both ports and remote high-risk environments.
Although Karsten is not an actor by trade, he appeared as the Host of National Geographic’s Lawless Oceans (2017) and prior to that, was featured in National Geographic’s Underworld, Inc. Series 2 Pirates episode (2016). Karsten was both a Producer and Creative Developer for Lawless Oceans as well as a Field Producer for the Underworld, Inc. Pirates episode with Wall to Wall Media. The bulk of the drone footage in Lawless Oceans as well as all of the footage in Underworld, Inc. Pirates Episode was shot by Karsten. One of his childhood dreams was to have his photography/videography feature in National Geographic content. Another was to host a documentary series promoting environmental awareness and maritime security issues and as a hobby, his passion for travel and geography. Karsten hopes future cases with the Remote Operations Agency can be featured in factual documentary productions that both entertain and more importantly reveal the key issues of our maritime domain.