The Global Initiative Network

GIN Member

John R. Heilbrunn

Associate Professor Emeritus, The Colorado School of Mines

John R. Heilbrunn is an emeritus Associate Professor. He is also a public sector reform specialist and anti-corruption expert with over 30 years of experience in political economy analysis, governance, anti-corruption and programme evaluation. He is fluent in French and has worked with different donors (DFID, World Bank, USAID, AfDB) in a number of countries. Heilbrunn has provided expertise in a number of countries including Nigeria on a Poverty Reduction Public Sector Governance Program for the World Bank. He contributed operational advice to Transparency International in Morocco; in Ghana he prepared an anti-corruption and governance diagnostic for a Multi-Donor Budget Support Group. In Zambia, he wrote an evaluation of the country’s taxation regime, and recently, he received a Fulbright Senior Scholarship Award to assess social enterprises in Togo. He was previously Senior Public Reform Sector Specialist for the World Bank and Team leader for the anti-corruption thematic group responsible for communicating official policy on anti-corruption to staff. This work involved reviewing Bank lending programs for their treatment of corruption risks. Heilbrunn has written a number of articles on anti-corruption measures, including ‘Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Legitimacy, and Anti-Corruption Commissions” and Oil, Development, and Democracy in Africa (Cambridge 2014).

  • Oil, Democracy and Development in Africa (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
  • Markets, Profits and Power: The Politics of Business in Benin and Togo, Travaux et Documents No. 53 (Working Paper), Centre d’Études d’Afrique Noire, Institut d’Études Politiques de Bordeaux, 1997.
  • “Paying the Price of Failure: Reconstructing Failed and Collapsed States in Africa and Central Asia, a Review Essay.” Perspectives on Politics 4, 1 (March 2006): 135-150.
  • “Oil and Water: Elite Politicians and Corruption in France.” Comparative Politics 37, 3 (April 2005): 277-296.
  • “Anti-Corruption Agencies: Real Medicine or Placebo in Treating Corruption?” World Bank Institute Working Paper (2004).
  • “Assessing Political Commitment to Fighting Corruption” with Philip E. Keefer. Washington: The World Bank, PREM Note 30 (1999).
  • “Commerce, Politics, and Business Associations in Benin and Togo,” Comparative Politics (July 1997): 473-492.”
  • “Une si petite démocratisation pour le Togo” with Comi M. Toulabor. Politique Africaine (Juin 1995): 85-100.
  • “Social Origins of National Conferences in Benin and Togo,” The Journal of Modern African Studies 31, 2 (June 1993): 277-299.
  • “The Fight Against Corruption: The World Bank Debarment Policy,” in Preventing Corporate Corruption, ed. Stefano Manacorda (Geneva: Springer International, 2014).
  • “The Middle Class and Political Stability: The Beninese Experience,” in Les classes moyennes et leur role sur la stabilité politico-sécuritaire des États d’Afrique subsaharienne, eds. Dominique Darbon and Comi Toulabor (Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2014).
  • “Anti-Corruption Commissions: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why?” Policy brief prepared for US Government (2012)
  • “Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Legitimacy, and Anti-Corruption Commissions.” In Fighting Corruption in Post-Conflict States. Eds. Cheng and Zaum. Routledge, 2011.
  • “Globalization, Democracy, and Institutional Transfer to Africa.” In La politique des modèles en Afrique: Simulation, dépolitisation et appropriation, Ed. Darbon. Karthala, 2009.
  • “L’Afrique et l’économie politique international.” In Le politique en Afrique : État des débats et pistes de recherche. Eds. Gazibo and Thiorot. Karthala, 2009.
  • “Book Review: The Challenge of Rural Electrification: Strategies for Developing Countries, ed. Barnes (Washington: Resources for the Future, 2007),” Resources Policy (2008).
  • USAID Program Brief, “Anticorruption in the Extractive Industries” (2008).
  • “The Utstein Anti-Corruption Resource Center.” Sida Evaluation Series 07/22. Department for Democracy and Social Development. Stockholm: SIDA, 2008.
  • “Equatorial Guinea and Togo: What Prize for Repression?” In Worst of the Worst: Dealing with Repressive and Rogue Nations. Ed. Rotberg. Brooking Institution Press, 2007.
  • Review essay. “Staffan Lindberg, Democracy and Elections in Africa.” Comparative Political Studies (September 2007): 1138- 1141.
  • “Anti-Corruption Commissions.” In The Role of Parliament in Curbing Corruption, 135-147. Eds Stapenhurst, Johnston, and Pelizzo. The World Bank, 2006.
  •  “Togo: Political Repression and Clan Politics.” African Contemporary Record, Vol. 28 2001-2002 (2006): B225-B235.
  • “Anti-Corruption Commissions: Panacea or Real Medicine to Fight Corruption” (World Bank 2004)
  • “Togo: Political Stalemate and Economic Stagnation.” African Contemporary Record, Vol. 27 1998-2000 (2004): B221-B241.
  • “Corruption, Democracy, and Reform in Benin.” In The Self- Restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies. Eds. Schedler, Diamond, and Plattner. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999.
  • “The Flea on Nigeria’s Back? Benin’s Foreign Policy 1975-1995.” In African Foreign Policies. Ed. Wright. Westview Press, 1999.
  • “Togo: The National Conference and Stalled Reform.” In Political Reform in Francophone Africa, 225-245. Eds. Clark and Gardinier. Westview Press, 1997.
  • Translation from French, Pathé Diagne, “Pluralism and Plurality in Africa.” In Democracy and Pluralism in Africa. Ed. Ronen. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1986

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