Lavdim Hamidi
Editor-in-Chief and Journalist, Web Portal "FrontOnline"
Administrator & Director West Bengal State Forensic
Hermanprit Singh is a graduate of India’s National Police Academy (1988-90) and has attended Center of Excellence in Stability Police Units, Vicenza (2005). He worked as Superintendent of Police in Indian state of Bengal (1993-2000) and as Deputy Commissioner of Kolkata Police [2000-2004].
Apart from nearly two decades of civilian policing experience, Mr. Singh has personally led operations against illegally armed groups in India and abroad. From 2006 to 2008 Mr. Singh was in charge of National Police of Timor leste (PNTL) as UN Deputy Police Commissioner for Operations (UNMIT). During his tenure Mr. Singh contributed to restoration of public order, holding first general elections for Timor Leste and led institutional development program which saw coming into being of National Investigations department for Timor Leste.
Mr. Singh has presented papers on core policing areas like Development of Police Doctrine for UN Police, Community Policing, Transnational Organized Crime and Tackling Illegally Armed Groups at National and International fora, Upon returning to his home country Mr. Singh worked as IGP (HQ) in charge of Policy and Personnel division of the State police and later as Director of the State Police Academy. In March 2013 Mr. Singh returned to UN DPKO as Senior Police Liaison Officer.