21 Nov 2024
Illicit frontiers: Criminal Governance in the Amazon's tri-border region
Latinoamérica y el Caribe, AMA-Obs
Amazon Basin Coordinator, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime
Gabriel coordinates the Amazon Basin Observatory. He conducts field research and leads a wide network of data collection comprised of local researchers, journalists and civil society organisations examining illicit economies throughout the Amazon region.
Gabriel’s PhD research in Sociology at the University of Oxford focuses on the emergence of police death squads and militias in the Amazonian city of Belém. Prior to his doctorate, Gabriel was a researcher at the Center for the Study of Violence at the University of São Paulo and worked for seven years in the corporate intelligence sector in the US and the UK. He holds a master’s degree from the University of Cambridge and a bachelor’s degree from American University. Gabriel’s research on organised crime, policing and Brazilian politics has been published in peer-reviewed journals and news outlets.