Kellie Burk
Program Analyst, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Independent consultant and Researcher, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
With a background in development cooperation and governance support, Deborah is a researcher on global drug policy, with a keen interest in the links between drugs and sustainable development. Her research focuses on the effects the illicit drug economy has on essential development dimensions of societies and communities (health, socio-economic conditions, access to education, rule of law, governmental accountability…) and on the challenges associated to building policy coherence on drug and development.
A member of the European Center for Sociology and Political Science (CESSP), and the ECPR Standing Group on Organized Crime (ECPR-SHOC), Deborah engages with both scientific and policy professionals’ communities through publications, referee commitments, academic conferences and policy events.
A graduate from Georgetown University (MA in Democracy and Governance), Deborah has conducted a PhD at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, which was dedicated to the international governance of illicit drugs and its global policy adjustments since the 2000s. She has worked as a policy analyst to governmental, and intergovernmental organizations, including the OECD and the French government. She currently serves as an independent consultant, notably for the UNODC and the Global partnership on drug policies and development (GPDPD).