Bahija Jamal is an associate professor of International Law and International Relations at Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco. She is also the president of the NGO “Ofoq/Horizon on the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking” and a consultant on Combating Human Trafficking at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Council of Europe.
Bahija Jamal is a former staff member at the Ministry in Charge of Moroccans Living Abroad and Migration Affairs. She also worked for UNHCR and was a former senior advisor to UNODC, UNESCO and ICRC.
Areas of specialization: International Law, Migration, Asylum, Combating Human Trafficking and Terrorism.
Recent seminars and conferences in which Bahija Jamal was invited to speak:
- JAMAL B (2018) “Moroccan Counter-terrorism and Human Trafficking policies and the Perception of ISIS Moroccan Women: Are they Perpetrators or Victims?”, UNODC, Rabat.
- JAMAL B (2018) “The Moroccan cross-national policy on Combating Terrorism and Human Trafficking: Questioning The Status Of Moroccan Women of ISIS”. International Academic Conference: Exploring and Countering the Linkages Between Organized Crimes and Terrorism, UNODC, Doha.
- JAMAL B. (2017) “Moroccan Women Migration to the Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)” presented during Gender and Women’s Studies 17 Conference organized by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center), Istanbul.
- JAMAL B. (2016), “Moroccan Counterterrorism Policy: Case of Moroccan Female Migrants to ISIS”, NATO Advanced Research Workshop Responses to Female Migration to ISIS, Venice. Italy
- JAMAL B. (2016), “Moroccan Experience on Combating Human Trafficking”, IOM Workshop organized for the members of the Moroccan Parliament, Rabat. Morocco
- JAMAL B. (2016), “Combating Human trafficking in Morocco: Comparative study of the provisions of the current penal code and the new specific bill on Combating Human Trafficking” presented during the 1st meeting of Presentation before the Steering Committee of the IOM TACT project.
- JAMAL B. (2015), “The New Moroccan Policy one Migration”, Center for Migration and Refugee Studies, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, American University in Cairo, Egypte.
- JAMAL B. (2015), “The Upgrading of the Legal Framework Relating to the Fight against Human Trafficking in Morocco” presented at the International conference on the Fight against Human Trafficking: A plural answer to a multiform phenomenon, organized by the Council of Europe, Tunis.