Willem Geelhoed
Associate Professor, University of Groningen
Associate Professor of Criminology, Northumbria University
Dr. Alexandra Hall is an Associate Professor of Criminology at Northumbria University, Newcastle. Her interests span criminology, sociology and international political economy. She has conducted research relevant to GI-TOC members on the (online) trade in counterfeit and falsified medicines, the financing of illicit markets in tobacco and cocaine, UK-China flows in the counterfeit goods trade, and crime and harm in special economic zones. She is currently finishing up fieldwork on a project funded by the Independent Social Research Foundation that seeks to better understand the political and criminogenic dimensions of the UK’s new freeports. The findings will appear in an upcoming monograph due for publication in 2024/25.
Her work also appears in a range of international peer-reviewed journals, including the British Journal of Criminology, Trends in Organised Crime, and the Sociological Review. She has worked as a consultant and provided policy advice to organisations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK), Interpol and Europol.