A new project promoted by the association Capaci No Mafia ETS and the social cooperative Addiopizzo Travel, is aimed to create a “living memory” of the massacre that occurred on May 23rd, 1992, which claimed the lives of Judge Falcone, his wife, and three bodyguards.

MuST23 will be a journey through narratives, immersing visitors in the stories experienced by witnesses during that period. It will be a vivid and colorful account filled with hope and rebirth. It will showcase the resilience of the places, the determination, and the strength of the people of this city who live and commit to the concrete dream of a Capaci… Capable of reacting, rebuilding, and rising again.

The former Capaci train station, where the museum will be established, will be deconstructed to establish a dialogue through artistic elements, cultural and conceptual references, and interactive multimedia technologies.

MuST23 is memory, experience, and the creation of the future, an approach to the story of Giovanni Falcone with a different perspective.

On 23 May 1992, the world was shocked by the brutal assassination of Judge Giovanni Falcone, an Italian magistrate renowned for his relentless pursuit of justice and his unwavering commitment to combating mafia-linked organized crime.

Falcone, his wife, Francesca Morvillo, also a magistrate, and three members of their security entourage were travelling from Palermo Airport to the Falcone’s home. A powerful bomb planted by the mafia was detonated in a tunnel under the motorway near Capaci. All five occupants lost their lives in the attack.

Falcone’s assassination was a devastating blow not only to Italy, but also to the fight against criminal syndicates worldwide. The murder brought sharply into relief the dangers faced by all those who challenge powerful criminal networks.

Judge Falcone, along with his associate and fellow magistrate Paolo Borsellino, led the charge against the Sicilian mafia during the 1980s and early 1990s. Through their groundbreaking investigations and prosecutions, they uncovered the inner workings of the Cosa Nostra and exposed how it had penetrated many layers of society, including politics, business and law enforcement. Falcone’s most significant achievement came with the so-called Maxi Trial, a historic legal proceeding between 1986 and 1987. This trial saw hundreds of Cosa Nostra members and associates brought to justice, thanks to Falcone’s relentless efforts and innovative strategies. 475 mafiosi were convicted, dealing a severe blow to the operations of Cosa Nostra.

The assassination sent shockwaves through Italy and around the world. However, Falcone’s legacy would not be silenced by his tragic death. His unwavering dedication to justice and his tireless fight against organized crime inspired a new generation of law enforcement officials and citizens determined to continue his work. Falcone’s life and untimely death serve as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle against organized crime and the immense courage required to confront it. His legacy lives on, inspiring generations to continue the fight for a society free from the grip of organized crime.