
Elijah Glantz

Research Fellow for the Organised Crime and Policing Team (OCP) at RUSI

Elijah Glantz is a Research Fellow for the Organised Crime and Policing Team (OCP) at RUSI. His research at RUSI focusses on criminal networks structures, illicit finance and law enforcement responses around the world. Specific projects include illicit finance and law enforcement capacity in sub-Saharan Africa, state involvement in organised crime and narcotics, and trends in UK organised acquisitive crime. Furthermore, Elijah is engaged in OCP’s ongoing work on policing and policy engagement with government officials – in the UK and globally – on a range of OCP’s research topics. In addition to leading and supporting research projects with OCP, Elijah is the Co-Project Manager and Lead Editor for the Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research (SHOC) – OCP’s blog for practitioners, academics and experts on organised crime.

Elijah holds an MSc (Distinction) in Conflict Studies from the London School of Economics where hew as awarded a distinction for his dissertation which modelled cartel fragmentation following cartel leadership removals in Mexican states from 2008-2013. He also holds a BA in Political Humanities from Sciences Po Paris in France.

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