The Global Initiative Network

GIN Member

Maria-Eugenia Batista Cordeiro

Legal Advisor, Rio Grande do Norte Prosecution's Office

Maria Eugenia has an extensive and illustrious career in the field of law, financial crime prevention, and cybercrime. Holding a Master’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, she has dedicated her career to advancing justice and security. Her professional journey has encompassed a variety of prestigious roles, including active participation in research and investigations related to financial crimes and cybercrime. Her expertise has been instrumental in devising effective strategies to combat these crimes within the bounds of existing legal frameworks.

Currently, she is a Ph.D. student in Political Science and International Relations at the Federal University of Paraíba. Furthermore, she has completed courses at the Perry Center/National Defense University/Washington/DC, including the “Cyber Policy Development Course” and “2021 Combating Transnational Threat Networks.” She has also concluded the Program on Applied Security Studies (PASS) at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies.

Her academic contributions include notable research in economic criminal law, particularly in the field of money laundering. As an instructor for the National Network for Technology Against Money Laundering, she actively imparts her knowledge and expertise. She has also acted as a consultant for Transparency International in a study related to Financial Intelligence Units. Throughout her career, she has consistently exemplified professionalism, an unwavering commitment to justice, and readiness to tackle the evolving challenges posed by cybercrime and financial crimes.

  • Carvalho, M. E. B.,  Cordeiro, I. L., Rodrigues, F. A.  (2022). ”Criminal Policy and economic analysis of criminal law”. 1st. ed., Natal-RN: Polimatia, 136.
  • Carvalho, Ivan Lira de., Cordeiro, M. E. B. (2022). ”Elements of economic criminal law”. 1st ed., vol. 1, Natal-RN: Polimatia, 99.
  • Carvalho, Ivan Lira de., Cordeiro, M. E. B. (2023) ”Gatekeepers: professional money laundering and other topics in economic criminal law”.  1st ed., vol. 1, Natal-RN: Polimatia, 150.
  • Carvalho, I. L. de, & Cordeiro, M. E. B. (Eds.). (2024). “Frontiers of responsibility: Criminal aspects in business activity” (1st ed., Vol. 1). Natal-RN: Insigne Acadêmica.
  • Fonseca, J. L. M. E. S., Nobrega, P. A. C., Pinheiro, P. I. P., & Cordeiro, M. E. B. (2023). “The estimation of the Laffer Curve as a research method for the economic analysis of law.” Interesse Público, 156, 143-156.
  • Cordeiro, M. E. B. (2023). “Money laundering and the criminal liability of legal entities” (1st ed.). São Paulo: Dialética.
  • Carvalho, Ivan Lira de., Cordeiro, M. E. B. (2023) ”Multifocal approach to corporate criminal law”.  1st ed., vol. 1, Natal-RN: Polimatia, 130.
  • Cordeiro, M. E. B. (2023). ”The economic order in the 1988 Federal Constitution and the fight against money laundering”. In Elali, A., Bisneto, O., Manuel, C. (Eds), Economic-Tax Law Studies. Natal: Dialética.

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