High-level governance and strategic direction

The Global Initiative Board provide high-level governance and strategic direction, championing its work, and ensuring that the actions of the Global Initiative are consistent with its mandate. The members of the Board provide oversight for the financial, legal and human resources and the ethical integrity of the Global Initiative.

Our Board members herald from a range of backgrounds, bringing with them personal experience in fighting organized crime and leveraging political, economic and social actors to respond to the complex policy challenges of illicit economies.

The GI-TOC’s primary oversight Board is global, overseeing the organization’s actions and operations throughout the world, providing governance and strategic advice through our headquarters in Geneva and regional office in Vienna.

A Board overseeing work run from the Cape Town and Nairobi offices with a focus on activities in East and Southern Africa highlight that region’s unique needs. The African Board maintains close ties and communication with the global Board and works under its authority. As the organization continues to expand, consideration will be given to the appointment of other regional oversight Boards.

We have sought to ensure that the Boards are geographically and gender representative. The global Board has members from every region of the world, with half of the members being women.


Chair of the Board

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