The Global Initiative Network

GIN Member

Dr Diego Sanjurjo

Coordinator of Focused Police Crime Prevention Strategies, Ministry of Interior, Uruguay

Dr. Diego Sanjurjo is a political scientist, specialized in public policy, security and development. Born in Uruguay, he developed his academic and professional career in Europe, studying political science in Germany and then moving to Spain, where he pursued two Master programs in international development and public policies, as well as a Ph.D. in political science from the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Currently the Coordinator of Focused Police Crime Prevention Strategies at the Ministry of Interior (Montevideo, Uruguay), he has worked as a researcher and teacher for many years in Spanish universities and think tanks and has been a visiting researcher at several international universities.

He is also the author of various academic publications, has a weekly opinion column in the Uruguayan newspaper El Observador, and his first book, entitled “Gun Control Policies in Latin America”, was just published by Palgrave Macmillan (2020). His main areas of research include public policy theories, Latin American policies and security, gun and drug policies.

He is fluent in German, English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Interviews and videos

Collection of videos

  • Sanjurjo D (2021) Las políticas de control de armas en América Latina. URVIO, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de Seguridad, 30. [In press] (ISSN: 1390-4299).
  • Sanjurjo D (2020) Taking the Multiple Streams Framework for a walk in Latin America. Policy Sciences, 53(1). 18pp. (Impact Factor: 2.619).
  • Sanjurjo D (2020) Gun Control Policies in Latin America. New York: Palgrave MacMillan (ISBN: 978-3-030-17916-8).
  • Sanjurjo D y Kozina K (2019) Croatian Disarmament Strategies in the XXI Century: Analysis and Results. Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, 19(1), pp. 127-158. (ISSN: 1696-1277).
  • Sanjurjo D (2019) Gun Violence and Defensive Firearm Use in the Governance of Security of Latin America. In: Carlson J, Goss K, and Shapira H (Eds.), Gun Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Politics, Policy, and Practice. New York: Routledge, pp. 271-293.
  • Sanjurjo D (2018) Corrientes y acoplamientos múltiples en Uruguay: La formación de la ley de tenencia responsable de armas. Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política, 27(2), pp. 33-56. (ISSN: 0797-9789).
  • Sanjurjo D (2017) The role of defensive firearm use in the governance of security in Latin America. Theoretical Criminology, 21(3), 324–341. (Impact Factor: 1.561).
  • Sanjurjo D (2016) La regulación del mercado de cannabis en Uruguay. Proyección de resultados. Memorando Opex Nº 213/2016, Fundación Alternativas (ISSN: 1989-2845).
  • Sanjurjo D (2016) La influencia de la posesión civil de armas de fuego en las tasas de homicidio de América Latina y el Caribe. Documento de Trabajo 1/2016. Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano (ISSN: 1696-3504).
  • Sanjurjo D (2014) Análisis del Proyecto de Ley de regulación cannabis en Uruguay. Circunstancia, Año XII – Nº 35. (ISSN: 1696-1277).
  • Sanjurjo D (2013) El cambio en las políticas de estupefacientes: el ejemplo de Uruguay. RJUAM, nº 27, 2013-I, pp. 291-311. (ISSN: 1575-720-X).
  • Sanjurjo D (2011) La ‘sensibilidad al conflicto’ y su incorporación por parte de las ONG en el ámbito español. Análisis y claves para su generalización. Documento IECAH nº 10. Madrid: IECAH.

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