Posted on 21 Dec 2009
Since 2005, the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) has conducted a research project on the subject of countering narcotics and organized crime in the Baltic Sea region. This project has been funded by European Cities against Drugs (ECAD) and the Swedish National Drug Policy Coordinator. The objective has been to analyze trends in narcotics trafficking and organized crime as well as to find ways to improve regional law enforcement cooperation to meet these threats. For this purpose, ISDP has developed an extensive network of researchers and law enforcement officers from around the Baltic Sea region. Funding has been used to arrange a series of seminars and workshops where these professionals have been offered the unique opportunity to meet and discuss specific issues and trends in relation to narcotics and organized crime from different perspectives, a chance which is rarely afforded due to scarce budgets and the limited staff resources within national law enforcement offices and academic institutions.