Event Details
Norwegian Mission to the UN,
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, #35,
New York, NY 10017, United States
Posted on 14 Nov 2019

An event contributing to the follow up of UNSC Resolution 2482
Following the July 2019 open-debate and the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2482 (2019) on the linkages between organized crime and international terrorism, the Permanent Mission of Peru to the UN, the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN, the Permanent Mission of Tunisia to the UN, and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime invite you to a briefing and discussion focused on the governance structures of terrorist and organized criminal groups, and particularly extortion-based strategies. Through the use of the extortion-based strategies, both terrorist organizations and criminal groups leverage the tools of violence, economy and political ideology to achieve social, financial or political ends. This event will discuss key strategic insights and practical experience from countering extortion and discuss how these strategies could be applied to communities governed by terrorist groups, with a view to contribute to the implementation of Security Council Resolution 2482 (2019) by Member States.
Opening Remarks:
- H.E. Minister Luis F. Ugarelli, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Peru to the UN
- H.E. Ambassador Mona Juul, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN
- H.E. Ambassador Moncef Baati, Permanent Representative of Tunisia to the UN
- Mr. Mark Shaw, Director, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
- Representative, Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED)
- Ms. Mary Harper, Journalist, Author of Everything You Have Told Me Is True: The Many Faces of Al Shabaab
- Ms. Laura Adal, Senior Analyst, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
- Representative, Permanent Mission of Norway to
the UN
RSVP: Erik Ramberg, Erik.Ramberg@mfa.no